Board of Management

St. Mary's CBS Enniscorthy has a Board of Management. This Board has a three year term of office.

Nominations for the two parent/guardian and the two teacher representatives on the Board of Management are sought every three years.

The Board of Management consists of:
  • Four members nominated by the trustees of the school, one of whom will be the Chairperson
  • Two members elected by the teachers in the school.
  • Two members nominated by the parents/guardians.

Trustee Members

  1. Eleanor Farrell (Chairperson)
  2. Jack Kelly
  3. Stephen Casey
  4. Ester Ebbs

Teacher Members

  1. Ms Siobhan Carroll.
  2. Mr. John Tobin

Parent/Guardian Members

  1. Ms Siobhán Murphy
  2. Mr Peter Coady


Principal, Mr. Brendan O'Sullivan, acts as Secretary to the Board, without voting rights, and is responsible for implementing the Board's policies in the day-to-day management of the school.
Mar 28
School Closed for Staff Training
Apr 14
Easter Break
May 05
Public Holiday
May 14
Awards Night
Mill Park Rd, Killagoley, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford
Edmund Rice Schools Trust
‘An Edmund Rice School’
© 2025 St. Mary's CBS