Remote Learning Tips

A guide for students on how to work at home over this period of time.

This is unusual circumstance for everyone at the moment. The following are some tips to help students make the most of the current situation.

Students are advised to:

  1. Get up as normal for the school day.
  2. Set up an area in the house for school work if possible.
  3. Mute social media while working.
  4. Check school email/teams every morning, set a reminder on the phone.
  5. Stick to your timetable for work and revision.
  6. Contact friends (remotely) if you can't access teams, friends should have a code or email teacher and ask to be added.
  7. Email teachers inside of normal school opening hours.
  8. Record list of any questions/queries and send in one email rather than several.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a means to communicate with your teacher and classmates to enable teaching and learning to occur during this unusual time. Any message or comment you make must be APPROPRIATE. Do not use language or social media type abbreviations when using TEAMS. All content is moderated and supervised. Any inappropriate use of Teams will be reported to the Principal and parents will be informed.

Below are links to guide you through using Teams:

View and navigate your assignments (student)

Turn in an assignment in Microsoft Teams

Creating projects

Submitting an assignment from your phone

E-mailing your work (student)

Microsoft Teams - Quick Guide

Note: If you have difficulty loading assignments in MS Teams, try again later. MS Teams is being used a lot at the moment so it may be slow from time to time.


  1. Play literacy/numeracy games online e.g. online countdown, Play cards, read novels to develop literacy.
  2. If watching a film, write a review in 150 characters for Twitter.
  3. Download Pressreader app and login with library card, access free newspapers and magazines globally through library service. Read articles in your areas of interest to develop literacy.


  1. Self assess all work correcting mistakes, share work with a trusted friend and peer assess.
  2. Go to and look at marking schemes for questions you are doing/similar questions to aid self assessment.
  3. Ask parents to assess work and give feedback.
Feb 24
TY - Work Placement
Mar 12
TY Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 14
School Closed for Staff Training
Mar 17
St. Patrick's Day
Mill Park Rd, Killagoley, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford
Edmund Rice Schools Trust
‘An Edmund Rice School’
© 2025 St. Mary's CBS